Client of the Month (7/2016)

I brought my newest and littlest one in because she was in awful shape when we got her–malnourished, parasites, infections. She was a sick little baby. Because of the care and dedication of Dr. Porras and the awesome techs at the clinic, she is doing great. Her cough is gone and her nose discharge is almost completely gone. She’s a happy, playful, beautiful little baby girl enjoying her new life and family.

I love that the staff and Doctors’ are practically there all the time to answer my endless questions. They always follow up which just goes to show how much everyone at the clinic truly cares about my babies and their well-being.

I truly admire, respect, and trust all the staff and Doctors at Mesa Veterinary Clinic. This is an amazing place filled with amazing people. On a good traffic day, it takes me about 20 plus minutes to drive to the clinic from my home, on a bad traffic day 30 plus, I willingly and happily make that drive because my babies are worth taking to the best Veterinary professionals in El Paso.

By Herry Gaono

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