Serious disease of female dogs and cats related to hormonal changes within the reproductive tract allowing the accumulation of pus in the uterus.
Loss of Appetite
Excessive Thirst
Increased Urination
Vaginal Discharges of Blood or Pus
Pyometra is diagnosed by clinical signs, a history of not being spayed, laboratory testing of blood and urine, and sometimes exploratory surgery. The cause is really not understood, but we know the female hormones are involved in allowing the reproductive tract to become more susceptible to developing these infections.
In some animals, the uterus responds abnormally to the hormones produced during the “heat” cycle causing a secretion of mucus and inflammatory cells to collect in the uterus. A bacterial infection then develops–which can spread throughout the body. If this happens, the condition then becomes a form of “blood poisoning.” This results in widespread infection throughout the body–leading to shock and death. Kidney infections often develop.
The most common treatment, which is the safest for your pet, is Ovariohysterectomy (Spaying), which removes the infected uterus and the rest of the internal female reproductive tract. Fluids and antibiotics are needed to compact shock, infection, and dehydration.